
6 Surprising Benefits Of Microneedling Beyond Skin Care

Microneedling is a popular aesthetic procedure that can enhance skin’s appearance by stimulating collagen production and improving skin texture. The tiny needles create micro-channels in your skin, which can trigger your body’s natural healing process and stimulate collagen and elastin production. If you desire smooth, glowing skin, you may benefit from Plantation advanced aesthetics at Sage Wellness and Medspa.

1. Minimizes the appearance of lines and wrinkles

Microneedling stimulates your skin’s natural healing response, which triggers the production of collagen and elastin, two essential proteins that keep your skin looking firm and youthful. As a result, microneedling helps to reduce fine lines and wrinkles, as the increased collagen and elastin production plumps up your skin and smooths out any creases or folds. This treatment is particularly effective if you improve your skin’s overall texture and tone and achieve a more youthful, radiant complexion.

2. Improves acne

Microneedling utilizes tiny needles to create small punctures in your skin that stimulate collagen and elastin production, which helps reduce the appearance of scars and blemishes from acne. The treatment also increases the absorption of topical skincare products, allowing the ingredients to penetrate deeper into your skin and providing a more effective solution for treating acne. Microneedling can also help to unclog pores, reduce inflammation and prevent future breakouts.

3. Fights stretch marks

Stretch marks are a common skin concern, especially among women, and they are often due to rapid weight gain or loss, pregnancy, or puberty. Microneedling helps to reduce the appearance of stretch marks by repairing and smoothing your skin. With consistent treatment sessions, stretch marks become less visible and fade away, leaving your skin with a smoother and more even texture.

4. Fewer side effects than laser or intensive peels

Microneedling has fewer side effects than laser or intensive peels. Unlike laser treatments, which can cause significant skin damage and often require a lengthy recovery, microneedling is minimally invasive and does not damage your skin’s surface. Similarly, intensive peels can be harsh on your skin and may cause redness, peeling, and discomfort. Microneedling, on the other hand, typically only results in mild redness or swelling, which usually subsides within a few hours or days. Overall, microneedling offers a safe and effective way to enhance your skin appearance with minimal risk of side effects.

5. Shrinks pores

This treatment helps to shrink pores, which can be an issue if you have oily or acne-prone skin. The microneedles create tiny channels in your skin, which trigger your body’s natural healing response which helps to tighten and firm your skin, reducing the appearance of enlarged pores and giving the skin a smoother, more even texture. With regular microneedling sessions, pores can gradually become less visible, leaving your skin looking radiant and youthful.

6. Promotes hair growth if you have alopecia

When your doctor applies this technique to your scalp, it can help to promote hair growth if you struggle with alopecia. The micro-injuries can trigger your body’s natural healing response, which can encourage the development of new hair follicles. Additionally, microneedling can improve circulation to your scalp, which can also promote hair growth.

To explore the dramatic effects of microneedling, call the Sage Wellness and Medspa office or book an appointment online.


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