What Conditions Can Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery Treat?

Minimally invasive spine surgery is preferred to conventional open surgery for some patients who need spine surgery for diseases affecting the neck, spine, and...

Ways of Managing Temporomandibular Joint Disorders

Examples of facial expressions you make daily include laughing, smiling, and chewing. These movements are performed efficiently when your temporomandibular joint has no problems....

Why You Should Be Taking Supplements

We all want to live healthy lifestyles, right? At least, most people do. Life is so much more enjoyable when you feel good about...

What Does Sciatica Feel Like? 5 Signs You Need Sciatica Treatment

Sciatica is inflammation of the sciatic nerve that causes lower back pain. The sciatic nerve is the largest nerve in your body, serving your...

Top 5 Questions About Bone Grafting

Your teeth need the support of a strong and stable jawbone. Without it, your teeth may loosen and fall off. Grafting is a procedure...

How physiotherapy can help kids achieve motor development milestones

Regarding motor development, physiotherapy can help children with their gross and fine motor skills. The process of physiotherapy helps kids develop various sensory and...

The Essence Of COVID-19 Testing

COVID-19 is an erratic and life-threatening disease that can affect anyone regardless of age and cause symptoms that lower your quality of life. Some...

Revealing the Truth Behind the Common Myths Concerning the Migraine

Have you ever experienced a throbbing pain on one side of your head? If yes, you can attest that this condition is indeed debilitating....

7 Simple Ways to Prevent the Neck Pain

When discussing the body's important organs, many people often underrate the neck. Only when they develop neck complications, do they appreciate this organ's critical...

Impact of junk Food on childhood obesity and how to prevent...

We have been hearing various news and articles about rising rates of childhood obesity. Especially in recent days, childhood obesity has become an epidemic...